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Julian Assanges Children Daniel Gabriel Max And More

Julian Assange's Children: Daniel, Gabriel, Max, and More

Daniel - The Eldest Son

Julian Assange's first son, Daniel, was born in 1989 when Assange was just 18 years old. Daniel's mother was Assange's 17-year-old wife. In 2010, Daniel was 20 years old and living in Australia.

Gabriel and Max - The Sons from the Ecuadorian Embassy

While living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange secretly fathered two sons, Gabriel and Max. The boys were born in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Their mother is Stella Morris, a South African-born lawyer who was Assange's partner at the time.

Age and Identity of Assange's Children

The ages of Assange's children vary depending on the source. As of 2023, it is estimated that:

  • Daniel is 34 years old.
  • Gabriel is 12 years old.
  • Max is 10 years old.

Limited Contact with Their Father

Due to Assange's legal issues and imprisonment, his children have had limited contact with him. Gabriel and Max have reportedly only met their father a handful of times and have spent most of their lives without him.
